#TravelBlog #DiaDeLosMuertos #Mexico
Festival with the dead

#TravelBlog #BlueIceCave #Iceland
Just like wondering on another planet
New Art Collection - WonderFight - available in Opensea
New Art Collection - WonderFight - available in Opensea
My first art collection, which is a derivatives pixels art inspired by WonderPals is minted !!
Based on a story that Buff Pals fighting Chonk Pals, the Fight 3 -Chonk Sprout vs Buff Toast is now available for auction in Opensea.
Who will be the last standing ? Stay Tunes for more fight scenes for Pals.
Link to WonderFight collection : https://opensea.io/collection/wonderfight
Based on a story that Buff Pals fighting Chonk Pals, the Fight 3 -Chonk Sprout vs Buff Toast is now available for auction in Opensea.
Who will be the last standing ? Stay Tunes for more fight scenes for Pals.
Link to WonderFight collection : https://opensea.io/collection/wonderfight

#TravelBlog #EasterIsland
Joy is not the answer
Joy is the question
and YES is the answer
Joy is not the answer
Joy is the question
and YES is the answer
#TravelBlog #Chernobyl #Ukraine
"Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now i only ask what is the cost of lies.
What is the cost of lies...
It is not that we will mistake them for the truth, the real danger is that if we hear enough lies then we no longer recognise the truth at all.
What can we do then...
What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with stories."
#TravelBlog #Tarifa #Spain
#Maktub #所有旅人都應該讀的故事17-Dec-2018
#TravelBlog #Hokkaido #Japan
#TravelBlog #Hokkaido #Japan
as if a great creature had grown old without being able to express its feelings. Not that it didn't know how to express them, but rather it didn't know what to express.
A Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki Murakami
#TravelBlog #Gotokuji #Tokyo #Japan
#TravelBlog #Gotokuji #Tokyo #Japan
Money doesn't grow on trees , but grow on Cats
Worship us, Human :3
Worship us, Human :3

#TravelBlog #Uyuni #Bolivia
#TravelBlog #Uyuni #Bolivia
What is there in the other side of world, will there be dream far away from reality ? Follow the horizon, wish I found a entrance of new adventure.